Brighter Together
Mini Mastermind
4-Week Mini Mastermind Experience
October 2-30, 2023

Save My Seat Now!
Join us for the Brighter Together Mini Mastermind Experience!
Here's how it works. Over these 4 weeks, you will...
1. Select a Specific Goal to Focus On During this Mastermind
YOU will select whatever goal you like, based on what you're currently focusing on in your business.

This will be your mastermind focus for the 4 weeks, and you'll share it with the group so we can know how to best support you in reaching it!

My hope here is that you'll be able to see how being in a mastermind can help you make faster progress in your business on something you're already planning to do.
2. Get Feedback & Advice from Other Entrepreneurs
You'll share your focus with the group and have a chance to ask them questions about what they'd do in your shoes, mistakes they've made that you should avoid, and get clarity & validation on how to move forward.

The goal is that you'll get to learn from the collective wisdom & experience from the group, allowing you to get incredibly specific and helpful advice so you can get things done faster, avoid common mistakes, and have more confidence as you move forward.
3. Have High-Level Conversations
Each week we'll also be having a  high-level conversation to help you see any mindset blocks you have that are holding you back from growth, and to help you find clarity and confidence as you move forward and create the business you truly want to have.

Most of them will be about things like simplifying your business, clarity, alignment, self-trust, overcoming resistance, and ease.
4. Experience what it's like to be in Brighter Together Mastermind
You'll have 2 Mastermind meetings that I'll run exactly like the full Brighter Together Mastermind so you can see first-hand what it's like to be in a mastermind.

We'll also have a Welcome Meeting + a Celebration Meeting at the end (see specific dates below).
5. Get a 1 on 1 Coaching Call with Jamie ($750 value)
You'll also get to schedule a 45 min clarity coaching call to get business advice and clarity directly from Jamie Bright. You'll schedule this at your convenience over the 4 weeks.
This is NOT for everyone...
While the full Brighter Together Mastermind is highly curated and is invite-only, this Mini Mastermind is self-curated.

I shared a lot more in the video above to help you figure out if this is really for you or not, so if you're not sure, give that a watch (I recommend listening on 1.5x as I talk kind of slow!)

Not sure? Go ahead and enroll and reply to the welcome email with your questions and we can figure it out together. If we determine that you're not quite ready for the Mini Mastermind, I'll give you a full refund. No worries, and no hassle.

Here's what you should have in place:
 1. An Offer that Sells Consistently
As a minimum, you should already have at least one offer that's making you a minimum of $50k per year (from just that offer) and sells consistently, though you'll get even more benefit from this if you're making more or are further along.
2. Generosity Mindset & Willingness to Engage
The Mastermind format only works when people are willing to share their experience and be an active participant in the group.

If you have a scarcity-based mindset and are afraid to share what you're doing or are afraid people will steal your ideas, or if you don't actually participate and just want to listen to what others say without adding anything yourself, this is not the group for you.

The value of a mastermind comes from people who share generously, who genuinely want to help others and believe that there are plenty of customers out there for all of us, and that we gain more from coming together to share our knowledge than we do from trying to do it all alone.

During this mastermind, we will be sharing our goals, engaging in conversations, and sharing our advice and experience with others to help them reach their goal.  This won't be valuable to you or to the others in the group if you don't engage and participate.
Sounds AMAZING! When do we meet?

Dates: Mon, Oct 2nd - Monday, Oct 30th.

Virtual Community: We will have a Telegram group where we meet and chat daily. This is where we will host most of our conversations and is a place for you to connect with each other and ask additional questions as you work towards your goal.

Meeting Dates:
We will have zoom meetings EACH Wednesday at 3:00-5:00 pm Central Time. (Convert to your timezone here)

There will be replays if you can't be there, but I highly encourage you to attend live whenever you can as these will be interactive mastermind meetings.

  • Wed October 4th from 3-5pm CST - Welcome, Focus, & Connection Call
  • Wed October 11th & 18th from 3-5pm CST - Mastermind Calls (these are run exactly like I run Brighter Together meetings). I'll open the zoom room 30 min prior the meetings for anyone who wants to casually come, connect, and socialize together before starting the meeting.
  • Wed October 25th, 3-5pm CST- Celebration & Closing Ceremonies

You'll schedule your one-on-one clarity coaching call with me after you register at a time that works for us both.

I've also got a few bonus surprises for you during this experience, but I don't want to give it all away now.

Money-Back Guarantee
If you attend the first Welcome Meeting and this just isn't for you, let me know by the end of that day and I'll refund your money without any hassle.
Is it Worth It?
Hear how Jerry made his money back with just ONE conversation....

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