Testimonials That Sell
How to Get & Use Testimonials to Overcome Objections & Sell For You

In this Mini-Workshop, you'll learn:

  • Non-Awkward Ask Script: Use this to ask your clients for testimonials without feeling awkward, selfish, or a little afraid of what they might say

  • Why most testimonials fall flat (and what questions to ask to get Testimonials that speak DIRECTLY to objections & sell for you).

  •  How to use testimonials to overcome objections like "is it worth the cost?" and increase sales!

  • A Simple Process for collecting video, audio and text Testimonials on auto-pilot that doesn't require you to set up any in-person meetings

  • The Hidden Objections people have to buying & how to overcome them with Testimonials

  • How to get people to read your Testimonials and not just skip over them

  • Where to use Testimonials to get them to sell for you.

All for just $79 USD!
But That's Not All...
After almost 13 years in online business full-time, I have found:
There are 3 HUGE mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to Testimonials:

  1. They don’t ask. Without testimonials, it’s extremely hard to get people to buy your offer (even if it’s highly-valuable & seems like a no-brainer offer).

  2. It’s Not a Priority: Collecting and using testimonials is rarely prioritized, so they often aren’t done well (or done at all) and are often thrown together with limited effectiveness right before a launch.

  3. They aren’t being fully leveraged: Entrepreneurs aren’t making the most of the testimonials they already have, so they are leaving money on the table AND failing to inspire future clients to take action, too!

Even if you have the best, most valuable offer in your industry, you will lose out on helping clients that really need your offer if you aren’t showing them that it works for people like them.

The problem isn’t that people don’t know how valuable testimonials are.

The problem is that everything else in their business tends to feel more important, OR they feel awkward asking for testimonials.

But most entrepreneurs I know would LOVE to increase their conversion rates and get more sales.

And they would gain confidence by hearing the actual impact they’ve had on their clients.

They just need to prioritize the time to make it happen and have a clear plan to get it all done.

That’s where the Testimonials That Sell Workshop comes in.

The workshop is designed to help you collect, organize, use, and automate Testimonials & Case Studies from your clients so that you can increase your sales conversion rates and prove that what you offer really works.
The Big Picture
  • All to-do tasks & trainings given instantly so you can work at your own pace, with a suggested timeline to follow and complete everything within 8 weeks or less

  • Get feedback and ask questions in our Business & Strategy group so you're not left stuck at any point.
The Big Outcomes
  1. Collect Effective Testimonials from Current and Past Clients:Update your testimonials from the clients you already have
    • Ask the RIGHT questions to get high-impact Testimonials that Sell

    • Past Clients

    • Current Clients

    • Screenshots From Groups, Messages, etc

  2. Let Testimonials do the Selling for You: Update & Add testimonials in key places to increase sales, trust, and inspire people to get results

    • Sales Page

    • Add 2 Key Testimonial-Based Sales Emails 

    • Social Media Posts

    • Case Studies & Other Miscellaneous Uses

  3. Automate Collecting Testimonials: Create an intentional, lightweight process for collecting, organizing, and updating testimonials at the perfect time to collect them

    • Have a steady stream of high-quality testimonials coming in

    • Create an easy-to-find organization system so you always have the perfect testimonial right at your fingertips

    • Gather a stream of testimonials from each client as they get to each point in the customer journey

    • Use testimonials to update & refine sales copy so you’re resonating with ideal clients and can increase conversion as you go

This is for you if...
  • Have an existing offer 

  • Have clients who have gotten results

  • Are Committed  to implement

  • Are Not afraid to ask for help

  • Are Ready to uplevel your Sales & Conversion rates

Stop Overthinking, Get This Shit Done AND Get Feedback

While you probably have every intention to get this done and implement in your business, too often life happens and this gets pushed to the back burner. 

OR, we overthink things and get stuck not taking action.

OR, we implement everything on our own but still don’t feel like it’s working

That's why we offer Progress Pod Accountability Groups.

You can start your own Progress Pod or join an existing one that's specifically themed for people going through this workshop, so you can do it together!

You surround yourself with a supportive group of other business owners all on the same path… 

They will support you, cheer you on, and help you push through to the next level.

Plus, you can always ask for feedback in our Business & Strategy community as well! 

But Why Join this Workshop?
  • I’ve had several multi-six-figure launches where I leveraged testimonials along the entire sales journey to build trust and get people to buy

    • Sales psychology & messaging is my superpower. 

    • I’m best known for having written the “Founding Members Launch Script” for Stu McLaren and The Membership Experience which has generated literally millions of dollars for thousands of entrepreneurs since 2018 as they launched their very first membership. 

    • Over 10% of my course clients gave me testimonials and offered to help spread the word about my offers simply because they got results, and I knew how to ask in a way that made them WANT to see me grow. 

  • I’ve personally generated over 122,000  leads for my own businesses since 2011, build at 7-figure per year business in the photography industry, and am currently helping multiple high-level entrepreneurs scale their biz in my mastermind.

  • I’ve taken my love for people, story, psychology, and sales, and perfected the way to collect and use testimonials that actually convert.

  • I’ve written over 2400 emails for my own businesses, and have learned exactly where testimonials should be used for maximum success (whether launching, during a welcome sequence, or even for onboarding or evergreen funnels). You'll get to see several examples of the actual emails I used that you can swipe and use as well!

  • I genuinely love people and believe that We are Brighter Together, so you’ll feel fully supported and have my brain (as well as this incredible community of other entrepreneurs) on your side to help, get feedback, and encourage along the way.

I’m committed to working with generous, highly-motivated & successful entrepreneurs who take fast action and know that investing in their own progress is the best way to move their business forward. 

If this is you, I’d love to have you join. I know that you’ll find it highly valuable and I’m committed to seeing you get and use testimonials to increase your sales and conversions. 

🎁 Bonuses 🎁
Bonus #1: Two Objection-Busting Emails to Add to ALL Launch/Evergreen Email Campaigns (Training, Templates/Frameworks + Feedback)

This is a short bonus training that walks you through the 2 testimonial-based emails I always send in every launch or sales funnel and how you can create them as well. 

I’ll show you examples from how I’ve used these in my own business and break down the format into a template framework so you can write them too. 

Then, you can post your own emails in our Copy Critique space and get feedback on them before you ever send them out into the world! 

Bonus #2: Sales Page Breakdown

Watch me analyze and explain the psychology and purpose behind each section of Marie Forleo's CopyCure sales page.

You'll learn: 

  • The purpose behind each section of her sales page (and why it works)

  • The way she uses testimonials to sell for her (and to sell to multiple client avatars)

  • Why over 25% of her sales page is testimonials

This is an in-depth 1-hour video analysis (just 30 min on 2x) PLUS a written high-level overview of each section for you to refer back to later.

Bonus #3: 6 Weeks to Done Implementation Timeline

This optional timeline tells you exactly what to do each week to make sure you implement what you're learning and don't just watch without implementing. 

It's perfect to hand off to your team to set up for you

Get Started Now

If you’re committed & ready to take action and start collecting & using testimonials that do the selling for you, and you would like feedback & accountability along the way, I’d love to invite you to join me in the Testimonials That Sell Workshop. 

It’s the fastest way to get it done and make sure you’d doing it well.

Plus, when we pay for something, we pay attention. This is an investment in yourself and your business, and you’re more likely to actually DO the work if you commit to joining us.

So if you’d like to join me and others and get this done before your next launch so you can use these testimonials to bust objections and get more clients, join now.

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